How Apps4.Pro migrates Microsoft 365 Power BI between different Office 365 tenants ?

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Apps4.Pro who is already in the Market performing Tenant-Tenant migration for various Microsoft 365 workloads, has recently included Power BI to its bucket.

Apps4.Pro is proud to announce that WE ARE THE PIONEER & THE ONLY ONE in the Marketplace to offer the tenant-tenant Power BI migration. You can migrate the Workspaces bundled with the Datasets, Reports & Dashboards flawlessly in just a few clicks – easy and secure.

How to perform Power BI Migration ?

Let’s have a quick look at the various steps involved in tenant-tenant Power BI Migration.

Challenges faced in Power BI Migration

Let us dig into the challenges faced in Power BI Migration to have a wholistic view. Tenant to Tenant migration of Power BI is really challenging in current world due to the following reasons :

Constitutes many layers of elements :

Power BI is a package bundled with different types of elements that include Workspaces, Datasets, Reports, Dashboards, Dataflows, Gateways.

Demands high-level of planning : As the data is fetched

Maintaining the integrity, since the Datasets are shared across multiple Workspaces and Reports.

Involves multi-level of permissions – starting from Workspaces to the Datasets, Reports and Dashboards.

Possibility of duplication as

o Single Dataset can be linked to multiple Workspaces &

o Single Dataset can source multiple Reports

Plug-in the correct Data Source in the Target to ensure continuity

Elements covered in Migration with Apps4.Pro

Let us see in detail which among the elements of Power BI are covered part of Migration with Apps4.Pro.

Element of Power BI What is it ? Is Migrated with Apps4.Pro ?
My Workspace Containers for dashboards, reports, apps, workbooks, datasets, and dataflows X - will be supported soon
Shared Workspace
Datasets Collection of data that you import or connect to. Datasets can also source data from Dataflows
Reports One or more pages of visualizations such as line charts, maps, and Treemaps (All of the visualization report come from a single dataset)
Dashboards Single canvas that contains zero or more tiles and widgets
Dashboard Tiles Snapshot of your data, pinned to the dashboard. Created from a report, dashboard, the Q&A box, Excel, SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) reports, and more
Dataflows Represent data prepared and staged for use by datasets. X
Apps Collection of dashboards and reports built to deliver key metrics to the Power BI consumers X
Gateways Acts as a bridge to provide quick and secure data transfer between on-premises data and Microsoft cloud services X

Please refer to our Support Portal link for the complete list of supported features covered part of Power BI Migration.

Power BI Migration with Apps4.Pro – Sequential Flow

Please find the series of actions during the Power BI Migration with Apps4.Pro.

What does Apps4.Pro offer ?

Apps4.Pro offers various significant time-saving features that makes the Power BI migration much more easier.

Let’s see them in detail.

Significance of migration with Apps4.Pro

The below painstaking effort in Microsoft Export / Import across tenants is nullified in App4.Pro.

Activity Is Required in Apps4.Pro ? Solution provided in Apps4.Pro
Migrate one Dataset at a time X Users can migrate all their Datasets in a single shot
Manually correct the Data Sources one-by-one X Migration account is revealed with links to correct all the Migrated Data Sources.
Manually add permissions at each level X Covers all layers of permissions, starting from the workspace to the Datasets, Reports and Dashboards
Manually publish Dataset to the desired Workspace X Migration covers mapping of the Dataset to an existing / new Workspace
Manually re-create the Dashboards in the target X Dashboards are migrated along with the Workspaces.

Consider the below case :

UserA has 10 Workspaces and each Workspace has approximately

   Θ   5 Datasets

   Θ   5 Reports

   Θ   5 Dashboards

To migrate these Datasets to a different tenant, the user has to perform almost 100+ activities to recreate these 10 Workspaces, their Data Sources and the Datasets in the target.

      Apps4.Pro eases out all these painstaking manual efforts.
      It replicates the user Workspaces to target with all their Data Sources, Datasets, Reports & Dashboards all automatically.

About Apps4.Pro Migration Manager

Apps4.Pro Migration Manager is the leading migration tool available in the market with unique migration features such as Teams chat, SharePoint and Teams Wiki, Stream, and Yammer, Forms, Power Platform migration.

To surf through the frequently asked questions, please visit the Support Portal

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