4 min readMicrosoft Migration Handbook

4 min readMicrosoft Migration Handbook

With mergers and acquisitions being so common in the current world, we often land up in situations to port the organizational and employee information across different tenant or data centers.

Let’s see a checklist that comes in handy to make your migration more smoother & error free.

The Common Migration Checklist that can be followed for any Microsoft 365 workload would be

Take Inventory : You must begin with pulling an inventory with the help of audit or other third-party tools. Apps4.Pro aids in providing such detailed inventory of the supported Microsoft workloads. Please refer the table below.

Clean up your environment : Even before you start the migration, start cleaning the data which redundant, old unused data or inactive data.

  • Prepare your new environment to get your data ported without any intrusions.
  • Inform your end-users for a smoother migration. You can even inform a deadline so that users will stop posting furthermore data into the server.
  • Proceed with the migration using tools that lessen the manual process, provides end-to-end support and provide a clear Summary Report on the Migrated Data. Continuous Monitoring of the process is important to avoid any loss of data.
    • The usability of the ported data.
    • Each of the Migrated component.
    • The permissions & memberships.

Source Analysis & Inventory Reports

A detailed Source Analysis is vital in planning the migration and to conclude the no. of licenses required. Apps4.Pro pitches here by providing a detailed analysis and follow-up reports in each of the supported workloads.

The list of reports and additional features that are supported by App4.Pro are :

WorkloadReports Supported (Both Source & Target Data)Additional Features Supported in Apps4.Pro
1. Group Users
2. Team Users
3. Private-channel Users
4. All Users
GroupsCurrent User Group Details
Current User Plan Details
1. Group Details
2. Plan Details
3. Groups without Teams
4.Teams Associated Plans
Manage Members & Owners of a Group
1. Sites
2. Associated Sites
3. Subsites
4. Team Enabled Sites
Manage Site Users
TeamsCurrent User Team Details Tenant-level
1. Team Details
2. Team Assignments
3. Teams & Channel One-Note Data
Manage Members & Owners of a Team
Copy Wiki to a destined Team
StreamUser Videos Tenant-level
1. M365 Groups with Stream
2. Stream Channels
3. Stream Group Videos
4. Company-wide Channel Videos
Manage Members & Owners of a Stream / M365 Group
Manage Video Permission
Copy user videos to a Group
Viva Engage (Yammer)Networks
Network Users
Network Groups
Manage Members & Owners of a Group
1. Group Mailboxes
2. User Mailboxes
3. Shared Mailboxes
4. Archive Mailboxes
Customize Target Domain
BookingsBookings List in Source TenantManage Members & Owners of a Booking
Skip Old Calendar Events
Publish Migrated Bookings
Forms1. User Forms in Source
2. Group Forms in Source
3. Orphaned User Forms in Source
Grant Secondary admin access
Recover orphaned forms < 30 days
Power Automate(Flows)Source & Target Flows
Source Environments
Source Connectors
Source Resources
Assign Target Creator for a Flow
Auto-mapping for Connectors, Environments & Supported Resources
Provision to map Unsupported Resources
GeneralMigration Summary Report
Migration Summary Detailed Report
Migration VM-wise Summary Detailed Report
Scheduled Migration
Auto-mapping of Users & Groups

Migrate Microsoft 365

Perform Microsoft 365 Tenant to Tenant migration. Apps4.Pro provides the top-tier tech support for a seamless migration experience.

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Migrate Microsoft 365 via Apps4.Pro

Perform Microsoft 365 Tenant to Tenant migration. Apps4.Pro provides
the top-tier tech support for a seamless migration experience.

Start your free 15-day trial today !

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Migrate Microsoft 365

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